segunda-feira, 5 de outubro de 2009

Human Development Report 2009-Cape Verde

The Human Development Index - going beyond income

Table 1: Cape Verde’s human development index 2007
HDI valueLife expectancy at birth
Adult literacy rate
(% ages 15 and above)
Combined gross enrolment ratio
GDP per capita
1. Norway (0.971)1. Japan (82.7)1. Georgia (100.0)1. Australia (114.2)1. Liechtenstein (85,382)
119. Uzbekistan (0.710)94. El Salvador (71.3)88. Saudi Arabia (85.0)114. Oman (68.2)124. Philippines (3,406)
120. Kyrgyzstan (0.710)95. Iran (Islamic Republic of) (71.2)89. Oman (84.4)115. Indonesia (68.2)125. Mongolia (3,236)
121. Cape Verde (0.708)96. Cape Verde (71.1)90. Cape Verde (83.8)116. Cape Verde (68.1)126. Cape Verde (3,041)
122. Guatemala (0.704)97. Maldives (71.1)91. Honduras (83.6)117. Sao Tome and Principe (68.1)127. Guyana (2,782)
123. Egypt (0.703)98. Morocco (71.0)92. Syrian Arab Republic (83.1)118. Albania (67.8)128. India (2,753)
182. Niger (0.340)176. Afghanistan (43.6)151. Mali (26.2)177. Djibouti (25.5)181. Congo (Democratic Republic of the) (298)

Human poverty: focusing on the most deprived in multiple dimensions of poverty

Table 2: Selected indicators of human poverty for Cape Verde
Human Poverty Index
Probability of not surviving to age 40
Adult illiteracy rate
(%ages 15 and above)
People not using an improved water source
Children underweight for age
(% aged under 5)
1. Czech Republic (1.5)1. Hong Kong, China (SAR) (1.4)1. Georgia (0.0)1. Barbados (0)1. Croatia (1)
60. Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (13.4)62. Moldova (6.2)88. Saudi Arabia (15.0)96. Bhutan (19)70. Botswana (13)
61. Honduras (13.7)63. Algeria (6.4)89. Oman (15.6)97. Bangladesh (20)71. Suriname (13)
62. Cape Verde (14.5)64. Cape Verde (6.4)90. Cape Verde (16.2)98. Cape Verde (20)72. Cape Verde (14)
63. El Salvador (14.6)65. Morocco (6.6)91. Honduras (16.4)99. Indonesia (20)73. Guyana (14)
64. Oman (14.7)66. Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) (6.7)92. Syrian Arab Republic (16.9)100. Ghana (20)74. Saint Lucia (14)
135. Afghanistan (59.8)153. Lesotho (47.4)151. Mali (73.8)150. Afghanistan (78)138. Bangladesh (48)


Table 4: Emigrants
Origin of migrantsEmigration rate (%)Major continent of destination for migrants(%)
1. Antigua and Barbuda45.3Asia46.6
10. Cape Verde30.5Europe49.1
24. Seychelles17.0Africa39.7
31. Congo14.7Africa80.1
179. Ethiopia0.4Asia37.5
181. Mongolia0.3Europe40.7
Global aggregates
Medium human development1.9Asia43.3
Sub-Saharan Africa2.5Africa72.7
Table 5: Immigrants
Destination of migrantsImmigrant stock (thousands)Destination of migrantsImmigrants as a share of population (%) 2005
1. United States39,266.51. Qatar80.5
18. Côte d'Ivoire2,371.322. Gabon17.9
161. Eritrea14.6108. Zambia2.4
162. Comoros13.7109. Benin2.4
166. Cape Verde11.2110. Cape Verde2.3
171. Seychelles8.4112. Uganda2.3
175. Lesotho6.2113. Comoros2.2
177. Sao Tome and Principe5.4175. Madagascar0.2
182. Vanuatu1.0182. China0.0
Global aggregates
Sub-Saharan Africa15,567.1Sub-Saharan Africa2.2
Medium human development40,948.6Medium human development0.8

Ranking do IDH
Desenvolvimento humano médio (0,800 > IDH >=


84Arménia 0,798
85Ucrânia 0,796
86Azerbeijão 0,787
87Tailândia 0,783
88Irão, República Islâmica do0,782
89Geórgia 0,778
90República Dominicana 0,777
91São Vicente e Granadinas 0,772
92China 0,772
93Belize 0,772
94Samoa 0,771
95Maldivas 0,771
96Jordânia 0,770
97Surriname 0,769
98Tunísia 0,769
99Tonga 0,768
100Jamaica 0,766
101Paraguai 0,761
102Sri Lanka 0,759
103Gabão 0,755
104Argélia 0,754
105Filipinas 0,751
106El Salvador 0,747
107República Árabe da Síria 0,742
108Fiji 0,741
109Turquemenistão 0,739
110Territórios Ocupados da Palestina 0,737
111Indonésia 0,734
112Honduras 0,732
113Bolívia 0,729
114Guiana 0,729
115Mongólia 0,727
116Vietname 0,725
117Moldávia 0,720
118Guiné Equatorial 0,719
119Uzbequistão 0,710
120Quirguizistão 0,710
121Cabo Verde 0,708
122Guatemala 0,704
123Egipto 0,703
124Nicarágua 0,699
125Botsuana 0,694
126Vanuatu 0,693
127Tajiquistão 0,688
128Namíbia 0,686
129África do Sul 0,683
130Marrocos 0,654
131São Tomé e Príncipe 0,651
132Butão 0,619
133Rep. Democrática Popular do Laos 0,619
134Índia 0,612
135Ihas Salomão 0,610
136Congo 0,601
137Cambodja 0,593
138Mianmar 0,586
139Comores 0,576
140Iémen 0,575
141Paquistão 0,572
142Suazilândia 0,572
143Angola 0,564
144Nepal 0,553
145Madagáscar 0,543
146Bangladesh 0,543
147Quénia 0,541
148Papua-Nova Guiné 0,541
149Haiti 0,532
150Sudão 0,531
151Tanzânia República Unida da 0,530
152Gana 0,526
153Camarões 0,523
154Mauritânia 0,520
155Djibuti 0,520
156Lesoto 0,514
157Uganda 0,514
158Nigéria 0,511

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